Four fearless and brave youth from Burgos decided to embark on the adventure of an ERASMUS+.
For those who do not know, an ERAMSUS+ (Traning Course or Youth Exchange) consists of spending 7 to 10
days somewhere in Europe with young people (strangers at the beginning, but friends for life after a week)
learning about a particular topic.
In this case, the Training is in two parts, the first one that took place in Pissouri from March 23 to 30 and the
second part that will be in Georgia in July, and the participating countries are Italy, Romania, Moldova,
Georgia, Armenia, Cyprus, Ukraine and Spain.
The main theme of both exchanges is Business in The Digital Age. This is a topic that the members of the
Spanish team are equally passionate about, as it combines their tastes, interests and professional goals.

We show you a small photo of the place that hosted us for the next 7 days, (we do not want to make you
feel jealous…

During the first few days we did a series of activities to get to know each other, build trust in the group and
most importantly, learn the names of everyone in the group!

The following days we carried out activities much more focused on the theme of the project, we can not tell
you all, but we would like to highlight the following:
Inclusive Mapping, an activity in which we divided ourselves by countries and drew our community. Then we
had to group the different areas that were accessible to everyone and those that were not accessible or
even marginal. After that we shared it with the other groups. Undoubtedly a very enriching workshop in
which we learned unknown things about countries like Cyprus, Georgia and Armenia…
Did you know that in Armenia there are academies that teach programming for free? Neither did we!

The following days we did other activities of debate, Power, Influence, and Advocacy and the NGO fair in
which we explained to the other participants from other countries our association AEGEE Burgos!
In the following photo you can see all of us with our Youth Pass, a document that certifies everything we
have learned in the Training.

In addition to all the training activities, we had the opportunity to participate in a gymkhana in Pissouri,
where we worked in teams to solve tests and complete challenges around the village. It was a fun way to
learn about the local culture and history, while improving our teamwork and orienteering skills.
We also had a free day to visit the City-Kingdom of Kourion and explore Limassol, where we got to see what
kind of businesses and companies are being founded in the city, visited various tourist areas, tasted
traditional food, learned about customs and interacted with the locals.

o conclude, this Training has been a great experience for all of us. We not only gained valuable knowledge
and skills in the field of digital business, but also established links with young volunteers and young
entrepreneurs/workers from countries all over Europe.
On March 23rd everyone was just a stranger, whom today, several weeks after the exchange we are looking
forward to see again in Georgia!
See you soon!

April 2023
Clara, Quico, Mónica and Israe