Last weekend took place one of the most awaited events for our antenna. The famous LTC. After the pandemic and the restrictions, most of our members were eager to attend one of these events. Members from León, Bilbao or Valladolid also attended, who together with our antenna members encouraged the activities and the fun atmosphere.

As in every LTC, the AEGEE workshops could not be missed and we observed each and every one of the participants paying attention and motivation to learn from them. On the other hand, we can’t leave aside the “ludic” and formative workshops like the bachata workshop given by our lovely member María, who put all her effort to make all the participants enjoy this dance style. We also had another workshop totally different to what we had been developing so far, which consisted of Art Therapy, taught by our member Esther. In it the participants had to make a self-portrait through collage, and the truth is that they made real works of art.

In the evening, a bit of fun could not be missing, and thanks to the help of Paco from AEGEE – Valladolid, everyone was delighted with the songs and the fun tests that were done. They also had a great time with the Gymkhana of Heroes and Villains, who finally managed to save the population of Burgos.
As a final conclusion, the organiser and helper team would like to thank each and every one of the attendees who put their enthusiasm and enthusiasm in participating in this event. Without them it would not have been possible.

Esther Dieguez